It's the most wonderful time of the year!!

Hey everyone! I know I don't usually send out this many emails in a month! But there's just SO many exciting things happening!
  1. We are having our "Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest" again! So pull out your ugly sweaters and post them on our Facebook!
  2. ANDRIOD PHONE USERS! We now have a FREE app that you can download and you'll see our shows, pictures, songs, Christmas song, and instant updates!
  3. We are honored to be in a contest for Christian Connections 2011 Voters Choice New Artist/Band of the Year! But we need YOUR votes! Just go to this link and vote for Bright Light Parade!
  4. And last but not least! We are having a SUPER DUPER Christmas Merch Sale!! If you like free stuff and shipping you should check out our page!

    Words cannot express how happy we are to have the frans (friends/fans) that we do. We are blessed beyond measure!
    We hope you all have an amazing Christmas with your friends and family!